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Roof replacement is a serious conversation for any homeowner because the roof is the single biggest maintenance item on your house and it requires ongoing care in order to provide the protection your family needs. The good news is that most roofs only need routine maintenance every two to five years. But roofs do not last forever; eventually they need to be replaced.

Whether you are replacing an old roof or renovating your home, call (954) 616-8400 to schedule a free estimate.


Reasons for Roof Replacement

Why do people need roof replacements? Roofing shingles tend to last anywhere between 15 and 50 years, depending on the shingle you choose, the quality of the installation, and the conditions the home endures in that time.

The Old Roof Needs to Be Replaced

Naturally, the most common reason to replace a roof is because the exisyting roof reached its inevitable end. Asphalt, the most common type of shingle, lasts between 15 and 30 years. Over that time, the shingles grow soft and drop the UV-resistant granules that coat them. When this happens, shingles are easier to blow away in bad weather or soften until leaks get into the house. If your current roof is older than 15 years, it's time to get an idea of when you'll need to schedule the next roof replacement. That might be this year or several years in the future.

Hurricane Damage to a Majority of Your Roof

Storm damage is the second most common cause for roof replacement calls. Most of the time, storms bent, break, or steal a few shingles per blow-up. High-speed winds and the occasional dropped tree branch cause regular lightweight damage to the roof. But sometimes, a storm tears with unusual ferocity and destroys a section of home or roof complete. If an excessive number of shingles are damaged or missing, you may want to call for roof replacement in the damaged areas, not just light repairs.

Remodeling Home and New Additions

Interestingly, remodeling is another common reason to upgrade your roof. Homeowners who are building an addition or turning their porch into a home extension may need to re-roof sections to allow for the new areas of the house. You can also reinstall your roof entirely or in parts just for style, choosing a new color and shingle type to boost the curb appeal and total home value.

The Previous Roof was Incorrectly Installed

A tragic yet common reason for roof replacement is poor previous installation. This can happen both with inexperienced roofers and those unfortunately well-known scam artists who prey on storm-damage victims. Shoddy previous roofing can lead to reinstalling your roof earlier than should be necessary. If your roof is in poor condition despite recent work, roof replacement is often your best bet for quickly repairing the quality of your home.

Extensive Roof Damage from Neglect

Every home has a roof, but not all homes have an active homeowner. Some homes sit vacant and untended for years, some homeowners simply forget to maintain the roof until there are critical leaks or visibly obvious damage. When this happens, often the shingle-damaging weather conditions have worna way the roof to an unusually low quality. Valleys, piled leaves, and broken roof features can all inspire a shingle roof replacement instead of attempting spot-repairs after a home has been neglected.

Replacing a Shake Roof with Shingles

The final option for a roof replacement is if you want to change your current roof material, usually to asphalt shingles. Asphalt shingle roofs are the most common and affordable option on the market, with a respectable lifespan and sturdiness against the elements. If you have a high-maintenance tile roof with too many broken tiles, or a shake roof that's looking shabby, you can replace it with a low-maintenance shingle roof instead.

Your Choice of Roof Shingles

Once you've decided to schedule a roof replacement, the next choice to make is the type of shingles you want. There are three considerations to make for the roof of an average home or residence.

Matching Your Old Shingles

Most homeowners want to exactly, or very closely, match the roof they are replacing. You may want your home to look exactly the same before and after, just with a newer and longer lasting roof. HOAs, for example, often enforce the color, shade, and shape of roofing shingles so that the neighborhood looks uniform. Work with your roofers to match your shingles to something very close. For older homes, don't be surprised if the exact shingle (or even the exact color) is no longer available.

Asphalt vs Composite Shingles

There are two options for shingle material; asphalt and composite. About 4 in 5 homes are roofed in asphalt shingles. These are rated for 15-30 years of life are designed to withstand the full array of challenges that the weather has to offer. They are less flexible and take longer to install, but also last up to a decade longer than durable weather-resistant roofing shingles. Composite shingles cost more than asphalt, but last exponentially longer.

Architectural Shingles

Remember to consider architectural shingles, especially if you live somewhere with serious annual storms. Architectural shingles are thicker and have more tabs than other shingles, making them much more secure.

How Long Does Roof Replacement Take?

Call Keller Roofing and Inspections

(954) 616-8400

Replacing your roof, from beginning to end, takes between two and three days of steady work. You'll be surprised at how quickly a roof can be replaced when you are working with an experienced and talented roofint company; Keller Roofing has been your hometown roofer for 3 generations.

Call us at (954) 616-8400 with any questions or to schedule a free in-home estimate.

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