As we enter the beginning of spring, your mind is probably not anywhere close to thinking about hurricane season. But in reality, this is actually a great time to prepare your roof. That way, when hurricane season is around the corner, you don't have to worry about rushing to get your home protected with everyone else around you.
It Begins With a Phone Call
A simple step might be walking around and look at your roof to see what it looks like. This tends to be a good idea to see if you can see any damage from the ground. But don't ever think that it's a comprehensive check. In fact, your roof might hold hidden surprises. So what can you do? Well, you can make a phone call to a professional who can come and look at your roof.
This is especially important because a professional will be able to evaluate your roof and let you know if there is anything that needs to be done or can be done. They may tell you that you need to clean out your gutters, or they let you know that you have missing flashing in need of immediate replacement.
Being Proactive Can Save Your Roof and Your Home
Hurricanes come in all shapes and sizes, and this past season was brutal. You value your home, your belongings, and your life. That's why you can never take this season too seriously. Especially during a hurricane, your roof plays a critical role in keeping water out of your home. If the roof gets destroyed, it leaves your entire home susceptible to wind and water damage that can be devastating.
Being proactive helps to give you peace of mind. You know that eventually, when hurricane season starts again, your home will be ready to brace the storm. If, on the other hand, you neglect to take these proactive steps and fail to get your home ready for hurricane season early, the time you realize that you have damage may already be too late.
Trust The Experts
If your roof needs repaired or even replaced, you should know about it early. But you should also trust that the professionals you work with are there to help you and make sure that your home is hurricane season ready. Roofers in this area build their reputation around this step. Simply put, they wouldn't have a business if they didn't follow strict procedure of a thorough evaluation and recommendation of repairs that are absolutely necessary. Trust their findings and results, and take action according to their advice.
Inspecting roofs is what these experts do on a daily basis. As a result, they know exactly what they are looking for. And because of their experience, you can rest assured knowing that your roof is going to be well taken care of.
Not All Problems Are Big Problems
You might be tempted to stay away from a home inspection around this time because you're worried that any roofer will only find big problems. In fact, that is far from the case. Simple action steps such as trimming back trees, clearing gutters and downspouts, and adding hurricane straps can be done on a low budget, while still making sure that your home and roof is prepared for any future storms. A roof inspection helps you not just understand what to do, but also the scope of potential repair projects ahead.
When you are proactive and get your roof inspection done before the summer, you don't have to stress out at the end of the season. You will also be able to avoid the rush on roofing companies that inevitably arises during that time. In the process, you may get some advice on action items you should check on again, such as your gutters at the end of the summer. But even in that case, you will know exactly what to expect before hurricane season even gets close. So why not get your roof evaluated today? To schedule your appointment, please contact us.